The AcuPoints TCMtests app is the most complete acupuncture point reference source for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncturists on your smart phone. This product is a compilation of several traditional and classical texts on Acupuncture, as well as various schools of acupuncture training programs, giving you a wide array of information to provide you with the most complete knowledge of the acupuncture point and its uses. This app should not be used to diagnose and treat any ailments, diseases or dysfunctions. Diagnosis and treatment should be done only by licensed Acupuncturists and/or competent licensed Physician in Medical Acupuncture.Key Features for each point:
Acupuncture School ratingsAnatomyPoint graphicsPoint AttributesTCM and 5-Element point locationClassical point functionsSpirit of the pointTCM and 5-Element needlingComprehensive effectsCommentsUser NotesSearch Function